Michael Kenna
Michael Kenna was a British photographer. He was best known for his black-and-white images involving landscapes and urban places. He did a lot with long exposure times that he would further in the dark room. Kenna stated that " You can't always see what's otherwise noticeable during the day." This is why he takes long exposures because that creates images that we can't see with our own eyes over long periods. Michael does an amazing job and I will explain that in a few pictures.
In this picture, you can see a stray of the light run up in the sky almost what looks like a shooting star caught in action. That's what comes to my mind at first if I was someone looking at this for the very first time. But in this picture, I'm pretty sure it's the moon that has long exposure; which looks so amazing. When I look at this picture I actually begin to convey a meaning to it. What I think of in this picture is life getting sucked back into the sky. Like it was on its way down and all of a sudden something pulled it right back up into the sky. Another thought that I had was maybe it means something about life getting shot into the world. I see this picture in my head of that light striking the ground and providing an almost electrical shock into the ground and putting all the colors back in the world. I say this because it's obviously a black-and-white picture but that's what makes me think if this light sending a shock back into the world.
In this picture, I see mountains and light shining through the clouds. The top of this picture is the most intriguing to me. I say this because I get very good thoughts from it. When I look at a picture like this it instantly makes me think of God. I say this because I have seen movies where the light is like this and eventually it all of a sudden spreads wide open and someone important; some main character comes down through the light to save the world. I also resort to a place in my church from back home and there is a similar picture in which it has Jesus Christ ascending from the clouds ready to help the state in which the world was. I also think of a treasure chest being buried somewhere and wherever that light is shining is where that will be. Who doesn't want to find some treasure buried in the ground under a bright ray of light?
I really liked looking at Michael Kenna's work. He did such a nice job on all the pictures I looked at. He did an amazing job of long exposures and really letting his pictures develop which made it so easy for me to like and understand. Without the long exposure in his pictures, I think they would be boring, and I wouldn't like them as much. I look forward to seeing more pictures throughout the semester like this and hopefully making some good ones of my own.
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