Maggie Taylor
The person that I choose this week was a very inspiring person to me. This week I choose Maggie Taylor, and this was the first picture that I chose. While looking at this picture the first thing that I noticed was the storm clouds and lighting on the table. My first thought was that and then the look on the girls face. What I came to think about this image was that her emotions were under the top of the lightning and storm clouds and eventually when the parent pulled off the top all of a sudden, the lighting and storm clouds came out. The girl was then very angry at that time because her parent pulled off the lid exploiting all of the emotions that the girl had been building up over time. I then looked a little more into the picture and I see that there was a bird on the right and I thought maybe pulling off the lid was a good thing. I think it was a good thing because the girl can now be more at peace and relax. I say this because a bird like this looks like a peaceful bird. The biggest thing here is knowing that the bird isn't a crow because if it was a crow, it would completely change the way that I think about this photo. If there were a crow I would think about death and killing because normally that's what crows come to symbolize. I just like how Maggie set up this picture with adding in the bird because even without the bird I may change everything that I think about this photo.
This photo quite honestly was one of my favorite pictures. What makes this picture so special is that I feel this is a picture that I can nail the meaning of. I would like to say that I think the meaning of this picture is greed can kill. Now I say greed because the stuff laying all around her is a deck of playing cards and I say it kills because the girl honestly looks dead. When I really go into processing the picture I really think that greed killed her because if you play enough cards and things don't go your way you may just want to die. I also like this picture because it relates to my own life. I spend a lot of time playing cards, and it can be really addicting, and I feel like this girl was to be addicted to the cards and eventually the cards got their way with her, and she ended up dying because the fact of everything not going her way, so the greed consumed her. I say consumed because when you look at the playing cards you will see that they mostly surround her and are almost covering her up. I hope not to end up like this one day by gambling my life away, but I guess you will never know.Maggie Taylor is really awesome at what she does. All of her pictures make you really think about it and you have to absorb the photo to know what's going on. I also like that you have to look a little closer into some of her pictures to get a good meaning of the picture. If you didn't have to think about some sort of picture and what was going on in the picture is it really a good picture, that's just my opinion of a good picture or photograph.
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