Ernst Haas
Ernst Haas was the person who we had to do this week and I can say that I really liked some of his pictures but this was one that I really liked. The first thing that I noticed was the 4 things that you can look into to see further away. At first someone may have been like look at those 4 things and not get the possible ideas behind them. The first idea that came alive from me was that those 4 things look just like human faces. All the faces look very sad and maybe they look that way because nobody has paid the money to look through them and they are feeling worthless. Another idea that I got from here was the idea that we are always being watched. The "faces" of these objects are looking right back at you and it gives me the creepy vibe of a murder movie I watched called the Neighbors. It almost feels like every step that you take you will see the eyes of the objects follow you providing a super creepy vibe. This is the vibe I get in this photo and honestly without these being here I feel that the picture would be super boring and not mean a whole lot rather than having the objects in it. When I first looked at this picture it took about 2 seconds to figure out what was going on in this photo. What I see in this long exposure is a bull running after the red cloth and the guy moving it last second so that he does not get hit but I honestly interpret this photo in a very different way that people might not think about. I think about this phot with a clash between anger and keeping your cool even in a bad situation. The anger in this situation is the bull and the calm cool and collected side is the man holding his peace and cool with the red flag. In life you need to have the ability to avoid the hot flashes and anger issues quickly so when life comes at you fast just know that you yourself can make a quick calm decision to relax and let all that anger slip by. In life in my person opinions there are to many bulls and not enough people on the other side of the red flag that the man is holding. We need to strive to be more like the man especially when life seems to get hard or knock us down. If this does happen just remember to take a breath and relax then get yourself out of that tough situation and start again fresh. Always try to get that fresh start life is better and easier that way.
Ernst Haas is a great photographer and really one that I have come to like. The way he takes simple pictures like the top one and aligns it to make it look like faces looking at us is genius. For the bottom picture his idea to shoot it as a long exposure creates a lot of different questions that we mayu not have thought about if it was a normal picture. Thank you, Ernst Haas, for doing such a nice job and creating pictures that make you think outside the box.
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