What Photography Means To Me

 What does photography mean to me? Photography to me means taking pictures or creating them for many and all types of reasons. You can do so much with photography today. You can use it to take pictures that will hang on your wall or ones that can be put into a museum. When you take pictures, you aren't just taking pictures, you are creating memories for yourself. One day you will look back on some of the pictures you have taken, and you will think about all the good memories you made with friends, family, and any other people that you include in your life. Never take something so simple as taking a picture for granted because I know that I have. I have many good fun memories in my life, but I know that if I would have just taken a few more seconds and snapped a quick picture I would have remembered it way better than I do in my mind.

The essay Photography Changes Everything by Marvin Heiferman really brings out ideas in photography that I would have never thought of. One of the things in the essay that was brought up was something about how a camera helps in assisting medical professionals. The statement from a man named Geoffrey Batchen says " The photographs that don't get framed, but which deliver the news, sell clothes, get you a date, cause parking tickets to be written and save lives." In the essay, there is a picture of a man holding up a camera to a marine's eye. This camera does a special job of looking into the iris of his eye to make sure everything is okay. So, photography is also helping save and help the lives of the people we care for. Another statement from Marvin is "Photographs don't only show us things, they do things. They engage us optically, neurologically, intellectually, emotionally, viscerally, and physically." This is telling me that pictures really do make us think more than we thought. When you look at people that have created magnificent images you think about how do these artists sit and look at one picture for so very long? They do it because they are trying to take in every little piece of that picture. They are interpreting it in every way possible. Pictures really do make our minds work a lot more than ever. The littlest thing could mean something and if you dint see that you miss the possible idea of that picture. So never take anything too small for granted. Lastly, there is a heading in the article that says "Photography changes what we do." This article also talked about how we get a "kind of license" and I agree with that. I think this means that you get the opportunity to go out and use the skills you have learned and apply that in your everyday life. You could use it in things like engineering, criminal justice, and really a lot of the jobs that exist today. Many things would be different without photography. 

Photography is important in today's world just like it was back then. We use it for hundreds of different activities throughout our life. Do not let any opportunities come to pass you. As I said pictures create memories and memories are super important to me. I love to see all the different kinds of things that I have accomplished in life because it makes me feel much better knowing I have proof of my doing it which then provides a confidence boost because I know I have done whatever it may be before. My one piece of advice is just don't let things you do or see go in one ear and out the other life's way too short to not think and have a little fun and make life so much more worth it. One more thing before I finish up this blog is to really think about what your purpose in life is. Never let anyone tell you that you can't be something. If you really want to be the best version of yourself, you do it. Don't let anyone stop you especially if you have a real love for what you do.


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