Bob Martin
This was one of the really cool photos that Bob has taken. This is what I would like to call Bolts get back. I say this because I know some of the history that is going on in this photo. Basically before this team U.S.A. beat bolt and Jamaica in this race U.S.A. is actually winning the race when all of a sudden a guy trips with like 40 yards to go and Jamaica ends up winning an Olympic medal. But besides that point I will explain what I feel is really going on in the photo. In this photo you will see the look on Usain Bolts face of agony and pain but that's really just the look of a guy who is pushing his hardest to in the race. The main point that I want to express in this photo is that this is the world stage, so I really like how Bob was able to catch all of the emotions going through someones mind when they are only 100 yards from a gold medal for their country. This photo also catches the emotions of all the people in the background who are supporting their country and reall...