Shelby Lee Adams


My first question in this photo is what is the book that the 2 men are huddled over? From looking closely at the photo, I have a good idea that that book is the bible. It looks to me like the men have been through some rough times and are looking to their god or higher up to help them in their time of need. This picture makes me question a lot more things because it has the black and white look to it. I am going to go off on a limb and say that the two men are hard workers because when you look closely at the men's bodies you will see the constant veins that are coming out of their bodies. This is why I am assuming that they are going through rough times at work and that's why they are praying for some help to come their way sometime soon. I think that they are hard workers with the veins sticking out because based on my own experience of working on the farm at home I have found that the more I work, time-wise, I find the veins in my own body coming out. I also find them stressing out because when you look closely at the guy's foreheads you will also see more veins coming out, symbolizing possible stress. I know that when I get angry, I can feel the veins coming out of my head and this is just another reason why I am assuming the stress and the need for help from God or a higher up. One last thing on why I think these guys are stressed is the idea of them being on their knees. When you pray in church you normally get down on your knees in the Peu to say your prayers before mass starts, this is just another thing that caught my attention and made me think about the things I see going on in the photo. 

This photo had me interested in it as soon as I saw it. The first thing I thought about this photo was the generation aspect of it. Some people may just look at it and say that it's three guys standing by a truck in a photo but that's not what I thought at all. When you look at the picture, I instantly think that the guy in the door frame is the grandpa, the guy next to the door is the son, and the kid next to the door is the younger son. This picture takes me back to the days of being a young kid because when I was younger my dad and grandpa would take me out to our vehicles and show me what to do in case there was a point in which I would have to fix something for myself. I think another theme to this photo could be the idea that you don't know what you have until it's gone. What I mean by this is the idea of being able to work with your family and have fun building or fixing something up. You can only do this so long until your grandpa or dad passes away, so use your time to your advantage to get the most out of the experience you have with them. One last thing I thought about was the mirror on the truck. I feel that it was included for a reason, and it took me a while to think about what it might mean until I came to the conclusion that the mirror could mean something in the future. What I mean by this is when you are growing up you look into the mirror and see the image of yourself and that's all you see. You then look into the mirror as you are getting older, and you see the similarities of your mom or dad, and you paint yourself with that image. You look a couple years later and see that you look just like mom or dad and realize you have followed in their footsteps your whole life and then you finally realize how fast life is going. This could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your situation in life, but I just thought that was an interesting way of thinking about the mirror. 

Shelby Lee Adams does a great job of framing things into a picture to make you think deeply about the photos. The use of black and white also makes it much harder to think about because I feel it personally generates a lot more questions for the people looking at the photo. Adams Photography was very interesting and made me have to deeply process a lot of her photos making her fun to write about. 


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