Steve McCcurry
Steve McCurry was a man who was born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. He went to attend Penn State University and wanted to become a cinematography major and filmmaking but figured out that it wasn't for him so he decided to get a degree in theatre arts. He really became interested in photography when he shot pictures for the newspaper jumpstarting his career. He really got into his career when he traveled to northern Pakistan and started doing a lot of photography over there. He made a lot of unique pictures with a lot of portraits also being made.
When I first look at this image a lot of thought come to my head very quickly. The first thought that comes to my head is why is there a man on the canoe floating down the river? My first thought was maybe that the flowers represented death and maybe there was a casket under those flowers almost like the flowers people would put on someone's casket at a funeral. I was thinking that this may be a special river where people will take dead ones down to bury them somewhere near the river. This river looks so peaceful that I almost think of it as the tunnel to heaven and there is where a person's soul finally goes free when they float down the river. The second thought that comes to mind when I see this picture it makes me think this could also be the travel system in this area. Just maybe he is transporting these flowers down the river to someone who may need them or want them. If I had the chance to float down this river I would too. The water is so clear, and the color of the surroundings is so beautiful that it brings a super peaceful and chill mood along with the picture. Steve does such a nice job of creating moods with his pictures. He can really set a mood just based off of one picture. He is also really good at getting you to question what the point of the picture was. His pictures really make you question what is going on in the picture. I was also wondering how he took this picture because it almost looks like he took the picture off of a dock of some sort or he took it while he was on the back of the boat but that is just another question to this picture.
This is another picture that I really like and have a lot of thought on. I think that this picture resembles the hard work that people put into their lives and how if someone does not do the job who is going to do the job. This picture is a real picture of what hard physical work looks like and it's people like this that helped build our country from the roots up. I think Steve was trying to promote this idea to people who looked at this picture. The way that Steve took the picture of the guy smoking a cigarette really shows how stressed these kinds of hard workers are. Steve did a great job of also having the back of the picture blacked out so we could see all the features of the guy's body making it a lot easier to read what was going on in the picture. Steve is a great photographer and puts a lot of thought into his work really making you think hard about a picture providing a lot of different ideas for a picture and that is what truly makes me have a lot if interest in the pictures.
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