Michael Ackerman
I find this photo by Michael to be very unique. First, I would like to say I find this photo so interesting because it looks like something straight out of a murder scene. It looks like a scene where the lady gets in her car trying to get away from someone or something and as soon as she looks in her rear-view mirror something snatches her. It almost looks like she is getting pulled into eh back seat to be killed. I also like this photo because it was taken at night. You can see the lights outside of the car window. When a picture like this is taken in the dark it adds that mysterious mood. That's why I came to think of a scary movie. It is also raining out; you can see it on the window which adds even more creepiness to the photo. This picture would be plain to me in the daytime because it would look like she is just going to look in the back seat for something but since it is raining and it's nighttime it makes me really think about what's going on in the photo. Something Michael did well to make half of her face dark. That's why I got the idea of her getting dragged into the backseat. Overall, I love this photo and wish I would have thought about a unique picture like this.
This was another photo I came to find very cool. What made this picture so cool for me was the eerie mood it gave off. The picture is obviously taken at nighttime because, in the top right corner, you see something that almost looks like the moon shining over the city. Michael does a nice job in all of the nighttime photos by always creating an eerie mood. I love scary movies so every time I have seen one of his pictures it clicked with me. I love how he uses light from the moon, windows, and lamps. Something I also love about this photo is the building right in the middle. I love this building because every time I am doing something at night in town and see a window, I can only think about someone looking and staring out the window at me. Like watching a dark figure appear in the window and then not seeing it again. It's scary which is why I like all of the photos. If this picture was taken in the day it would be very plain because it wouldn't make you think about the mood at. The light of the moon, lamp, and windows wouldn't be shining either making the picture completely boring. Michael does such a nice job of taking night pictures that he always has a mood which is why I am so interested in his work.
Why did I choose Michael as my person of interest? I choose Michael as my person because I love what he does with his pictures, especially the ones outside at night or in the car at night. As I said I like scary stuff, so all of his pictures clicked with me. When I decided to do nighttime pictures, I knew it was a good choice for me. Now I did nighttime portraits, but Michael showed me how pictures at night could still be amazing and a little creepy at the same time. He showed me that light in the dark can be super cool if you know what you're doing. Michael is an inspiration to me to take another class in photography and learn more about the whole process and produce an even better picture than I did this semester. I hope to keep learning more and more as I go.
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