Sebastiào Salgado
He was born on February 8, 1944, in Brazil. He is a photojournalist who works powerfully to express the suffering of the homeless and downtrodden. He was the son of a cattle rancher who wanted him to be a lawyer instead he studied economics at Sao Paulo University.
This photo to me is amazing. He had a very high shutter speed when he took this picture otherwise, he may not have caught that explosion the way that he did. What I think of in this picture is someone who just committed a crime and walked away. It's like when someone is walking away from a scene and then all of a sudden there is a giant explosion behind them that makes them look super cool. Another way I interpret this picture is like a fresh start to a new life. So, in the picture, you see tire marks in the dirt. Maybe this person in the picture took all of their hate, fears, furniture, and bad thoughts over to the area. Then once he collected them all and put them there he detonated them and is now done with the old and in with the new. He's starting a new path to glory. The overall picture is fantastic.
This next photo intrigues me and makes me think about a couple different things. The first thing it makes me think of is war. It looks like a war is just ending or just beginning. I say this because, in the far view, you see a child almost walking the animal straight ahead like plunging into war. On the other hand, you see the man directly in front almost pulling the animal back giving me the falling back vibe. The other part of this picture is the children on the left. If you look closely, you see the look on their face of confusion and discomfort. This is why I was getting the war vibes from them. It's like they are looking for guidance, a leader but nobody is there to lead them. The last reason I think war is because of the kind of field that they are in. It looks like the place of an old battleground. People may look different in the photo but for some reason, this is how I saw it.
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