Arnold Newman
Arnold Newman was born in New York City on March 3, 1918. He went to study art at the school of Miami from 1936 to 1938. In 1938 he began his career by working at Chain portrait studios in Philidelphia, Baltimore, and West Palm Beach. He then went back home to open his own studio and became a member of the ASMP. He also was an author and went on to write many books. This photo above to me is very interesting. What interests me so much about this photo is all the things going on in it. I first look at the photo and see where this picture is being taken at. It seems to be taking place in a mechanical shop of some sort. I say this because in the back left you see a man welding something by the train cart. I'm just curious as to why someone walked in and said hey you know this looks like a great place for a picture. I am also surprised the picture turned out so well because that ark flash from the welder is extremely bright. I find it interesting how he had a perfect frame due t...