Ralph Gibson
Ralph Gibson is an American photographer whose work reveals geometric elements found in everyday life. His work comprises formal studies and portraits that show interest in light, shadow, and forms. He has produced over 40 monographs. A lot of his work is all around the world in many locations having over 150 pieces. What is going on in this picture? What I think is going on is this man is driving down the road and I think the man is lost deep in thought. He looks like he is pursuing the thought of something. The man looks very deeply into his thoughts and looks like he is trying to figure out something. What that something is I have no idea. I do the same thing when I go on drives, to be honest. I sit and think about what is going on in my life and what I could improve on. Or I sit back and think about the good times while I'm driving. It's very nice to sit back and think about everything going on you can just let your mind ease back and relax. That is what I th...